About Me

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Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!

Ok… I guess it's official… leve a comment to know what!


Okay, so you might not know who the Capua's are. They are like, my best friends family.
They moved on May 15th, the day off Go Go Jonah. And, we always forget stuff at each others homes, so SHE FORGOT HER TOOTHPASTE! Ha ha ha... no joke though.

Marissa slept over May 13th - May 15th... the day of their move. And guess what... we fought every single day. :(

We fought again today... oops... but oh well, I still miss her... a lot!

HOPEFULLY This... forever!