About Me

My photo
Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!

Okay today was my last day at Drama Camp... and my last show. :( We took down

Okay, today was my last day at Drama Camp... and my last show. :( We took down the set too. I had my sister take this photo. Carter didn't want me to post it on my blog, but if you can't tell from on of my previous posts, I don't listen to him. :) Here is the picture!

LTG Today


one of the boys' face was half swollen and he had an ear infection so he was there 4 half the day.... he was back 2 his old self really quick though.... here is a pic of Carter (Him) and Ava goofing off. The video is of Lilly (His and Aynslee's daughter) Pranking him and him falling for it the second time.

pic, pic, pic... video

Gone... I've decided to take these off because my early NYR is to be nice to boys... there you go Carter...

LOL @ Camp

Okay, so as I have said before, I'm an Oompa Loompa and a squirrel in Willy Wonka Jr.
Today we were trying on our squirrel costumes and I said to litterally EVERY SINGLE PERSON while I was in that costume, "I'm a rabious squirrel with an evil tail! BEWARE!" lolZ, <3 Good day today.... except for the fact that the stage chipped. AHHHHH! :)

~Random me..... the squirrel with rabies~

More Auditions

I had auditions today for the Charlotte Childcare Choir. My mom thought I would be in the treble choir, but I made it to the concert choir! That's the highest level choir verses the treble choir is only the second level. Usually you have to be in CCC for a year to do Concert Choir.... yay me! To celebrate, my mom took us to Amelies Bakery so for all my friends in Drama Camp I have a salted brownie tomorrow..... no sharing.

Willy Wonka JR.

OK, so We are performing Willy Wonka @ the end of this week... yikes!

I'm an oompa loompa and a squirrel... yay!

can't wait 2 perform

I'm nervous, I had auditions

I'm nervous, I had auditions yesterday and I find out who I am today in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. :] :[

My iPod survived!

My title basically explains it. MY IPOD TOUCH SURVIVED!!!!!!!! My friend Taylor came over literally 20 SECONDS after it fell in so she came with me while I vacuumed it out and then put it in rice. I left it there for almost 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was agony!!!!!

It has a little bit of damage, but it's getting better. It has a bright spot on the screen and one of my apps didn't work, but now the app works. So, yeah.


Persia is inside eating his dinner.... in the kitchen.... with my dad. Who would have thunk it???


I took some pictures of flowers today.

Tell me what you think in a comment below!!! I took them with my moms camera... it isn't a digital. Mine is.


Happy Late Forth of July!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to upload some videos of the fireworks we went to but it didn't work... :(

Persia... the pretty cat

CALL ME OBSESSED!!! Maybe I am, but I love "my cat" Persia. Here is a picture of him.

I <3 Persia

Me and my crazy dog

My sister and I did something crazy with our 9 year old dog.

We were eating lunch, 'left the room' (notice the marks) and when we came back she was checking her facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some pics.

We didn't leave the room. We bribed her and my moms facebook was open so we did this.