About Me

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Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!


-life is SOO busy! If i finish my algebra 1 book with 6 weeks left of school then i move on to geometry.....

anyways, today was tuesday... gavel club and choir. bahahaha

today in GC was a SPECIAL meeting... yayay! You had to dress up, it was a table topic meeting, and you had to bring your favorite cookie/cake. I brought brownies (with added chocolate chips... milk and white. my dad thought the white ones were nuts XD)

choir.... i 'secretly' recorded us doing a few songs... a few flaws, cuz Mrs. Sandy is correcting us... pls comment on this if you want me to post them... i might even post a video of me doing my S2 part on one of them... COMMENT!! either way im posting XD

luv ya!!!

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