About Me

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Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!

Neighborhood cat

My dad is allergic to cats... and it was sounding like it was about to storm last night... and... PERSIA!!!!

There is a cat in our neighborhood that is either a stray or has irresponsable owners. He is out a lot, and it sounded like a bad storm was coming last night, and cats hate water and we wouldn't want a cat to step in a poodle would we? (I know... a VERY cheesy joke.) So anyways, my dad is allergic to cats, and Persia is a cat, so we should be avoiding him, right? Wrong. He came in our house last night, and if you don't believe me, here is proof!

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