I love taking pictures, so this is basically my website for showing them, with a little bit of blogging along the way.
About Me
- Elizabeth
- Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!
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I have nothing to say to you. You have nothing to say to me. That doesn't mean
#2 bestie
He is my #2 fav boy animal.
Persia ( :'( ) is #1
luv persia more than suzie! (for those of u who dont know who that is u dont need to)
love u rocket boy!
Only 1 rest/ gas stop for a 12 hour car ride! WAHOO!!!! -ooh... and on our onl
Gr... thanks for being mean
$5 for finding the E
just finished playing piano @
Listening to Christmas music on
Jackson and the Text Poke
... does anyone hace the day off school tomorrow? I for one don't. Leave a comm
Concert Today
earing change
Marissa mixed with JB
Mur, don't be offended, but I just looked at this picture of you and it made me think of a JBiebs song.....
That there might be something real between us two (who knew?)
='.'= @ my spaz
hahahaha.... listening to "Devo" with
:( Sprained pinky

shh... im not supposed 2
1st day of school 2morrow... eep! Algebra and Geometry! =\ eep!
I have Willy Wonka Jr Son Seekers Promise U and Go go Jonah stuck in my head
I <3 my baby cousin
We're talking about unhealthy food...
I <3 Portillos. Yesterday was
Im at my BFFs volleyball
We are listening to the
Lolz, I just saw my
Okay today was my last day at Drama Camp... and my last show. :( We took down
LTG Today
LOL @ Camp
More Auditions
Willy Wonka JR.
I'm nervous, I had auditions
My iPod survived!
Me and my crazy dog
I got my first piercing
Today is my sisters 13th
Camp Lurecrest
I'm way behind date, because my friend Marissa and I decided to have this contest in April of who could do a better post... I'm two months behind on posting... oops.
Hi Everyone,
On April 8th, some of the 6th graders at my church (6th grade is also called Faze 6) hopped on a few white vans and drove down to Camp Lurecrest!
After having been in the car all day from the beach, I wasn't too thrilled, but it wasn't so bad.
Some of the girls brought snacks, so we were filling up on them. (Such as chocolate Easter eggs and white cheddar Cheetos)
We stopped at Wendy's on the way there for some dinner.
One of the boys ordered A LOT! He ordered like, 2 burgers (equivalent to big Macs), a frosty, an extra large drink, and a large fry! I wonder how he isn't fat!.. HE ATE IT ALL!
Same boy, different story. Some of the kids had finished their meals, and were bored... so girls and boys, yes, in this insane world where everything is falling apart, BOYS AND GIRLS WERE actually hanging out together (It happens later in my story too!) Anyways, so we saw a salt packet on a table that hadn't been used by our group. My guess was he did it to impress is new crush, but the world may never know. He picked up the salt packet, ripped open both pouches and swallowed it whole! For a few seconds he stayed strong, but then all came crumbling down. A BEE LINE was made from him to the bathroom, to regurgitate in the sink.
Before I go on in my story, I will tell you some history. A year before, this boy and another girl liked each other, and another boy, who I am friends with now (But HATED then) hugged her.
So, on the bus ride home, the 'salt' boy and 'hugger' sat next to each other, and 'salt' "beat up" (slightly slapped) the other boys face 3 or 4 times. Now, I was thrilled with 'salt' because 'hugger' kept on poking his face through my friend and my seat and scaring the crap out of us (I had a spray water bottle along so when they annoyed me I sprayed them... it worked :D)
I am now friends with 'hugger' so 'hugger' decided to take revenge (everyone thought it would be funny) on 'salt' even though we were friends at the time (we are now enemies... I guess)
While 'Salt' was away, 'Hugger' grabbed salt and pepper, and told me his scheme... it was pretty mean. 'Hugger' was going to put salt and pepper in 'Salt's' toothpaste bottle. I objected because even though 'Salt' and I don't get along, I didn't want that bad of revenge. I suggested to put them in his drink at breakfast the next morning. 'Hugger' agreed to my idea, and then I asked him "If he asks why you did it, what will you say?" and he said: "I'll say you did it." I did a little dramatic -GASP- and he changed it to "I don't know" I said tell him it was revenge for last year, since that is what he was doing it for. He agreed and 'salt' came out and was clueless.
Now, I think a couple boys at camp were kind of dumb (DON'T TELL THEM I SAID THAT!!!) because that night, they started chugging tobasco sauce... and we learned how to play Ga-Ga... (WHICH IS NOT DUMB... THUS CONCLUDING THE DUMB PART) well, I already knew how to play, but I failed miserably a lot. (BACK TO THE DUMB PART) But, anyways 'Ga-Ga champ boy' was well, how can I phrase this... Drinking spoonfuls of their chugging (To make a total of what was it, like 15 in the end?)... Verses 'Burp up' took one and... as his name says ran to the boys room and... barfed (That will happen 5 times total in this story because of his desperate efforts to beat 'Ga-Ga champ boy') and that concluded our first night... well almost.
That night when we went to sleep, my best friend and I couldn't sleep so she "hurdled" into my bed and slept with me, then got up early and went back to her bed so we wouldn't be caught...that's hush-hush business... LOL at us... no, I'm serious LAUGH!!!... OR ELSE!!! jk. but I'm not about that part. Well, before sleep we had 2 hours of free time. Some of the girls in my class (If any boys are reading this blog... YOU WILL NEVER GET THEIR NAMES OUT OF ME!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Went and tee peed the boys cabin. LOLZ... a couple other girls and I went and (I put them through misery) tried to play volleyball. Then, we lost a basketball trying to play catch.
On to the next day, Saturday April 9th. We got up, looked at the sky (It was a pretty pink), played Ga-Ga, ate breakfast had a little bit of free time, made lunches then we went to Chimney rock. When we were about to get in the vans, we were told we were sitting with the boys in their van, but they closed us out and the boy and girl who liked each other last year, the boy was referring to her as his 'ex' so she got furious because of that... At one point when we were walking back, Hugger, My friend who he hugged and I were walking together and I was talking with both of them (Since they don't like each other, I had to take turns talking, and of course I was in the middle) and I don't remember what I said, but 'Hugger' didn't like what I said so he (I'm exaggerating) hit me with his soda bottle... I did my little dramatic gasp again and started goofing off again... and probably flicked him or something.
After Chimney Rock, we went to a really good pizza place. ‘Hugger’ waited too long to find a seat with the boys, so I let him sit with the girls, but then another girl and him swapped so he was with the boys. ‘Ga-Ga champ boy’ and ‘Burp up’ were trying to get us girls to say we liked ‘Hugger’ which… well, blech. They were saying things like (I’m not going to use names) “Oh, Hugger your SOOO FUNNY!!!” Later on, everyone was using the bathroom and I was leaving it when ‘Hugger’ came up to use it and he said “Did you see what they were doing to me???’ I was having a mental block… so did a DBM (Dumb blonde moment) “What were they doing?” He shared… and I said, “OH yeah! Just ignore anything they say.” He agreed with that. After he came out, I was back at the table and ‘ga-ga champ boy’ and ‘burp up’ were in the bathroom, so he put ‘ga-ga champ boy’s’ jacket under our table and it got passed down to the other end of our table. We left, went back to camp, and had more free time, in which we went rock climbing and did the leap of faith. I didn’t do the leap of faith, partially because my bestest thought I would get hurt and didn’t want me to. Then we had our sermon, and then 2 hours of free time.
We all had our share of gaga ball, so we decided to chill in the hall, and play foosball, and some other games. Then, ‘Hugger’ chugged some honey and started chasing me around until 11:00 PM!!! He started at about 10:00 PM!!!!!!!!!!! While that was happening, my friends Marissa and Marissa were massively beating ‘Burp up’ and ‘Gaga champ boy’ at foosball… a few minutes after The Marissa’s beat them like 5 million times, ‘Gaga champ boy’ was massively beaten again by ‘Gaga champ girl’ at a game he brought with called slaps where you slap peoples hands.
We went to bed that night, and again, my best friend slept with me.
The next day was Sunday, the day of our leaving. Mickey, my Sister and I all rode in our youth pastor Cedric’s car and I got dropped off at the Arby's by my house.