About Me

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Aloha! I'm Elizabeth, and I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I love singing and acting. I'm in 8th grade and I'm 12.You should know that I like touching peoples faces and heads, I call people "fishy" (Like from Nemo) "WAKE UP FISHY!!!!" I'm obsessed with Piranhas (another Nemo), Gazelles, and I'm scared of clowns. So yeahhh :) Also. I LOVE tacos pizza and tomato basil pie :) TWIHARD!!!

Hoo did it?

Awhile ago, we had a HORRIBLE thing happen... here is the post that I had the day it happened.

Today, Nancy, Emily and Elizabeth had a very depressing hour right before their Tae Bo. Elizabeth was really happy when Emily ran into the room saying "There's a dead owl on the point!!!, mom wants you to bring down your camera." So Elizabeth ran down with her camera and had mom take pictures meanwhile with Emily and Elizabeth saying "who would have done this?".

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